Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Simplify your holiday shopping: Give the gift of Live Theatre at BFT

4 ticket vouchers for the price of 3 — That's an $80 value for $60!

Order forms available through November 20 at the theatre during the run of LOBBY HERO, and online at http://www.bftonline.org/bft-gift-xmas-2010.pdf.

Benefits of a BFT gift-of-live-theatre package:

To the giftor:

  • You can share your gift with your giftee when it's used; not just when it's opened. Join them in attending BFT performances. Have a meal before the show and enjoy each other's company. Have a dessert after the show and discuss what you've seen.

  • You can introduce those about whom you care to an activity about which you care.

  • You can support truly local arts in general and BFT in particular. Your gift purchase will help us continue our work for you and your giftee.

  • It's not quite the bargain your season tickets are, but 4 for the price of 3 isn't too shabby a buy.

To the giftee:

  • One size fits all. With five shows left in the season (four during 201 I), your giftee can choose which might appeal most to them. And, as you know, we'll do our best to accommodate any special seating needs they may have.

  • Time-tested technology. For almost 5,000 years, live actors have been speaking words to live audiences. Theatre is version 2.0 of storytelling which has been popular since language came into existence.

  • It's 3-D! And no special glasses or equipment are needed for your complete immersion in an apparently real, three dimensional world. How's that for slick technology? And, you don't look silly enjoylng it.

  • It's always fresh. Each time you see a production (or a performance within a production) it's different. No two are ever exactly the same. It's the difference between that chest your daddy made for you and one you buy at Wal-Mart.

  • No calories. Visit the Fred Jones Bakery and gain no weight. See a show in the kitchen (the original use of the theatre space) and socialize on the loading dock (the original use of the lobby).

  • The gift coupons are fully transferable. So, they're regiftable. Not like your frequent flyer miles or the monogrammed pajamas.

  • It's easy to pay attention. No one will be placing or receiving phone calls during the performance (except, maybe, on stage). No one sitting by you will be texting their friends.

  • It's very personal. No performance space in Birmingham is so intimate and unique. The lobby and restrooms you've come to know and love have undergone a facelift. It's an even more one-of-a-kind venue.

  • BFT is in Five Points South. Five Points is home to some of Birmingham's (and the country's) finest restaurants and watering holes. And you can enjoy your pre-show meal, your theatre performance, and your après theatre treat without getting in your car between activities. It's almost like you live in a city.

  • It's fun to tell others about one of your chosen local pleasures. And they'll be able to tell their friends and co-workers about their newest discovery of a woefully undiscovered Birmingham treasure (and who introduced it to them).

Order forms available through November 20 at the theatre during the run of LOBBY HERO, and online at http://www.bftonline.org/bft-gift-xmas-2010.pdf.

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